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I2N Myanmar Challenge 2021 | Innovation Areas! – Kitchen Hub

I2N Myanmar Challenge 2021 | Innovation Areas!

❓What Innovation Areas are I2N Myanmar Challenge looking for❓
🌱For 2021, I2N Myanmar Challenge will focus on identifying innovative SMEs that can provide big, inspiring and disruptive investment solutions to one of the following food system innovation areas:
✅FOOD SAFETY: Some of the examples of these solutions are traceability solutions, food safety tools and technologies, consumer engagement and empowerment solutions etc.
✅MARKET CONNECTIVITY: Solutions such as digital platforms, farm to home business models etc.
✅FOOD DESIGN SOLUTION: Product solutions such as fortified food, functional food, healthy food ingredients, bio-fortified seeds etc.
✅POST-HARVEST LOST REDUCTION: Any solution which can address the problem of high post-harvest losses in nutrient dense value chains such as fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat etc.
✅WORKPLACE NUTRITION & WELLNESS: Solutions to ensure access of workers in factories and offices to access healthy food.
✅CONSUMER AWARENESS & EMPOWERMENT: solutions to educate consumers on importance of healthy food and nutritions.
📮If you are interested to participate in I2N Myanmar Challenge, please apply here https://bit.ly/i2nmyanmarchallenge by September (5) 2021.
💡For more information about this program, visit http://www.i2nmyanmarchallenge.com
📍For more detailed information about application process, please contact via phone: +95 (9) 9734 74141, +95(9) 9632 87912 (or) Email: yangon@impacthub.net